Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to visit a Justice of the Peace?

Justice of the Peace Services are free.

JPs are not paid and are volunteers.

What does the JP need to know when making an appointment?

The JP should know what service(s) they are being asked to perform.

It is also polite to confirm contact details in case the client or the Justice becomes unexpectedly unavailable.

When you see the JP, in addition to your documents, please bring some form of ID with you such as passport or driver’s licence.

Do not sign any document prior to visiting the JP.


What does it mean for a JP to certify a document?

When a document is certified by a JP, the JP is saying that they have been presented with an original document and that the copy appears to be an exact duplicate of the original.

Can I take copies of someone else’s documents to a JP to get certified?

That will depend upon the purpose of the document that is being certified. If the documents are being used to support a financial transaction including purchasing or selling a house, withdrawal of KiwiSaver or applying for a loan then the person whose identity is being verified will need to be present. The JP should be told the purpose of the document so they can apply the appropriate wording or stamps.

Do I have to make an appointment?

You do not need to make an appointment to see a JP at a Service Desk, but you do need to make an appointment if you want to see an individual JP. Please txt or phone individual JPs to make an appointment. 

When you contact a JP to make an appointment, bear in mind that Justices are volunteers and may have other responsibilities or commitments (including employment).

Are there documents a JP cannot certify?

Many documents that JPs certify are destined to go overseas and the client needs to confirm with the receiving agency that a NZ JP can certify the document. Some documents require a notary to certify them and the client would need to confirm with the receiving agency that a NZ JP was acceptable instead of a notary. A Justice of the Peace for New Zealand cannot certify a copy of an Apostille.